KnCT Bylaws


Karenni Community of Texas is a Karenni community-based organization. The two main goals of KnCT are: One,  helping Karenni people living in texas areas and in Karenni state; And two, preserving, promoting and building Karenni identities. Based on the main objectives, KnCT will work in solidarity.


The name of Karenni also known as Kayah, is a combination of all sub-tribes living across Karenni state. Karenni, meaning red Karen, was once upon a time descending from the Karen people. Since Burma was granted independence in 1948, because of power struggles and several other mysteries, ethnics have been struggling with maintaining stability in its respective states. From Burma, the tribal people came to the United States after years of living in the refugee camps as political refugees due to chronic civil war. The only reason they left refugee camps is because there is no possibility of going back to their homeland under any circumstance.


There is a whole new set of difficulties for new arrivals in this country. Those challenges cannot be met by refugee agencies alone. We, Karenni family members ourselves, need to step in to facilitate the necessary helps they need. We also understand that we are not the only group of Karenni that are having hardships. Karenni people, inside Karenni state, are also dealing with even worse hardships. That is also the reason for starting this group. Secondly, at the same time, we want to make sure our long-preserved values and identities are promoted among the new generations and also the many more generations to come. We have our own tradition, history, state, literature, and so many more worth preserving for. The purpose as a whole is not to live a separate nation but to incorporate the good into the new lifestyles. Since living in the United States involves several difficulties— socially and economically — we, Karenni people, built a state-wide community called Karenni Community of Texas on January 1st, 2011 to play a major part of the solution. The final goal is, as said, to successfully integrate into the American dreams.    

ARTICLE III: Membership

All Karenni, including future Karenni-american, are automatically considered members of KnCT. A member must meet one of the following requirements: Living in Texas for at least one day and having intention to continue to reside in Texas. For consideration of membership, if a Karenni marries to a non-Karenni, the non-Karenni will have to apply. Other non-Karenni are very much welcomed to apply for membership of KnCT as well, however final decision rests solely on the current KnCT’s action committees.

ARTICLE IV:  Board Committees

The committees of this organization shall be comprised of the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Vice Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Treasurer. There will be sub-committees as well, as needed.

Section A: Board committees shall be elected by members of KnCT at a designated annual meeting, in the month of December. Each committee shall be elected by majority votes, and shall hold office for a period of four years, not to exceed two consecutive terms.

Section B: The term of the office will run for four years, meaning there will be election every four years in December. Likewise, the position shall be replaced by committees’ votes if any committee fails to comply with the stated qualifications or membership standards.

ARTICLE V: Responsibilities and Duties of Board Committees
Section A: The utmost leader, President, is in charge of meeting. The committee shall call for various meetings. All kind of activities are to be overseen by the President. The President shall appoint any position as deemed necessary for the work of the KnCT. The President has final 50% of the total vote on any decision that is to be made.

Section B: The Vice-President will assist the President’s performance. The Vice will also be able to make necessary changes to the President’s agendas after closely discussing with the rest of the committee members. All information the Vice gets must be forwarded to the President in some forms.

Section C: The Secretary will be in charge of keeping minutes of the meetings and make them available to other members of the organization. The Secretary will maintain a list of active members; keep a file of activities, resources and meeting minutes, as well as send out correspondence when necessary. The Secretary also oversees periodic information sharing and notifies members of the time and place of meetings. He/she also performs all other usual secretarial duties. Any transportation or loading arrangements in connection with a meeting will be made by the Secretary.

Section D: The Vice-Secretary will be an assistant to the Secretary in the performance of his/her duties and to assume these duties when the Secretary is absent. The Vice-Secretary is to perform duties assigned by the Secretary, and also to assist the other committees.

Section E: The Treasurer will keep accurate records of receipts and disbursements of KnCT funds and be prepared to account for all transactions and report financial status at meetings. The Treasurer will maintain the organization’s account in accordance with set regulations, submit to the appropriate office such financial statements as requested, and will also maintain communication with other members of the Executive committees.

Section F: The Vice-Treasurer will assist the Treasurer in the performance of his/her duties and to assume these duties when the Treasurer is absent. The Vice-Treasurer is to perform duties assigned by the Treasurer, and also assist the other committees.

ARTICLE VI: Nomination and Election

Section A: Nominations for offices of KnCT shall be made by the active voting members prior to the annual meeting either in person or with an absentee ballot. The ballots will be mailed to all active voting members before the annual meeting either by regular mail, the internet or other electronic means. The election of officers will take place at the Annual December meeting at a location to be decided upon by the Executive Committees.

Section B: Nominated candidates shall be elected by a majority of voting members present at the election meeting.

Section C: Committees may be re-elected for the same office but will not exceed two consecutive terms.

Section D: Voting members are of age 18 and above, and are also those, who are capable of making normal day-to-day decision.

ARTICLE VII: Change of Committees

Section A: In the event the President of this organization can no longer assume the duties of that office, the Vice President shall become President.

Section B: In the event that a vacancy occurs in any office other than the presidency, voting members shall nominate and elect the candidate for that office.

Section C: The removal of an inadequate committee will occur if a problem arises and only after discussing the situation with that officer who is to be removed. A committee may be removed from his/her office by a ¾ majority of the KnCT Exective committees. If a tie occurs, the President will be the final tie breaker. A written notice of such action must be given to the members at least 10 days prior to the meeting in which the voting will take place. A committee removed from the office may appeal in writing to each member of the Exective committees within 10 days of his/her removal.


Section A: Annual meeting of all active members shall be held in December at a location pre-determined by the Executive committees. All other not-pre-determined meetings can be held at anytime. The most common meeting procedure will be through electronic mean such as emailing, phone-conferencing, and blog-posting.

Section B: Special meetings may be called by the President at his/her discretion, or as requested by another officer or the advisor.

Section C: General rule of all meetings is that they will be conducted with due respect of all those present, listening to each other, and giving each person opportunity to voice their opinions.

ARTICLE IX: Changing the Bylaws

Section A: All members of KnCT will have access to a current and approved copy of the KnCT Bylaws. Ratification requires a majority of members and the approval of the KnCT Executive committees and also most importantly, the advisory boards.

Section B: The members will be provided with a copy of the proposed Bylaws and/or amendments at least one week in advance of the meeting at which they will be considered. The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of active KnCT members and shall become effective only after the approval of the KnCT advisory boards.

ARTICLE X: Enabling Act

Section A: Upon approval of this Bylaw by the KnCT advisory boards, this set of Bylaws shall become effective immediately.   

Written by Shar K. Reh, reviewed by KnCT Executive Committees

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