1. Singing Karenni national anthem ( and we ask Ti Reh to come do that for us)
2. “Kae Toe Boe” prayer by Dee Reh
3. A speech by KnCH advisory board committee Soe Reh
5. An story about Kae Htoe Boe (An expert on the issue)
6. A group song “ Kae Htoe Boe Thel Lee” by KnCH youths
7. Another public speaker by KnCH chairman (include the objectives of this festival)
8. Awards giving session (Ka Reh)
9. “We are Karenni” by Su Meh
10. A speech by KnCH advisory board committee Oo Bo Gyi.
11. Presentation about Karenni people by Oo Reh Sor
12. A traditional dance by KnCH youths
13. Guest speaker by (____________________)
14. Teachings about social, health, economy situation by Shar Reh
15. “Preh Duh Var Mo Luh” by Ti Reh
16. “Be Like A Stranger” by Ram Moo Oo Reh
17. Budget disclosure by KnCT secretary Oo Reh Sor
18. “Native Land That We Love” dance by kids
19. “The Country Is Free” by Poe Meh and Maw Meh
20. “Pole dance” by our youths
21. “Love Each Other” by Bwee Paw
22. “It’s Up To Your Heart” by Shee Reh
23. “Pole dance” by our guests [helps from Oo Reh (youth leader)]
24. Reception
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